Lyric discussion by eatPain 

to whoever said her voice sounds scratchy, she purposly did that. in case you didnt get it the song is supposed to be sung in this partyish careless and im really high so i dont know what im singing style.(the im sorry im bad song for example, also sang in this type of style) it was intended to sound kinda messed up. i really hate when people are so naive to this kind of stuff. and besides that, do some research before you say anything about her voice. u cant say that she has a scratchy voice cuz you heard her sing this song like that. she sings other songs in a beautiful clear voice. making the scratchy high sounding voice prolly takes a lot more work than singing in her original voice. so please check your own voice and see how long your throat would last singing the way she does in this song,before you say anything about it. its harder than it looks. same as scremo music. i dont even like screamo that much, but you gotta understand, that its not just a bunch of screaming, its a ton of work. try screaming like that for a min straight and youll see what i mean.(even though scremo does freak me out a bit and doesnt even sound normal and human to me, i still undertsnd that its hard and its a specific style.)be more open minded!!!!

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