Lyric discussion by thinkingofexcusestopostpone 

  • this reminds me of "catcher in the rye" a little because of the quest and going from bar to bar... it's a bit like that thing holden has for janie. also, the elongated taxi ride reminds me of that, though in CITR it seems to be unintentional, it's more like holden is distracted by something and gives the wrong address to the driver. maybe, who knows, going to new york played him the same tricks as holden...

  • also, this is a bit corny (but it is the CORNerstone after all) the "smelt scent on seat belt" can be literal if someone with the same perfume was in the car just before him [it has happnened to me before to smell the scent of someone i know at places where he wasn't], and i think was alex means here is he's so distracted by this distinctive smell that he loses his train of thought and misses out giving indications to the driver and just lets himself drift in a fantasy about the girl...

  • and of course, i agree with the Bakery similarities. we could say the Bakery was the demo to this, and this is the sophisticated version, in terms of lyrics anyway...


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