Lyric discussion by Coow 

Part of me might just be stretching this song to connect with me but it really resonates with me and how feel about life right now. I'm leaving high school and just ended a relationship with my highschool girlfriend and am ready to grow old and continue making mistakes in order to learn how to live better. I've made so many already but they've really made me much stronger and smarter. Life must move on and you have to let go of certain things and not cling to pasts which lose their relevance to you. Move on towards a future that is truly fitting for you and make decisions based on that.

There are certain lines in this song that definitely make me feel like he's talking about ending relationships as well. Parties in my honor until you sent me away, especially. She only loved my face because our relationship was not quite real, we are not compatible and he's going to keep searching, growing old with grace. However, I do not know what silver moons are supposed to represent.

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