Lyric discussion by joeymcnitt 

I think you guys have gotten a lot of it right. I believe that he's not referring to actual rape (necessarily) but rather the condemnation that manifests when we can't seem to be free of a lust that seems to come back no matter how far away we've gotten from it.

The song is the man struggling with how many mistakes he's made and how he eventually comes to believe that he's defined by them.

It's a struggle between logic (we all are absolutely hopeless without Jesus) and the ultimate reality of grace.

This song has (so far) spoken to me with the most clarity; I've been raised in a Christian home and am currently in a spot of utter confusion where the facts conflict with the places I've been. God's got free grace and I don't wish to abuse it and live a life half-surrendered, and yet in the same breath I know that I will fail again and again.

I want to be the one who pleases Him, and to hear Him call me by name and yet am so aware of this distance.

it's all summed up in that,

"I don't want to be the father who has to watch his daughter Be conned and stripped bare by a monster like me."

Agreed, do any of you Archers remember on "Vices like Vipers" one of the last lines he says "this my lust, the pornos and the sluts". It's evident in the lyrics that they're addressing the common problem few want to talk about, lust.

Yea, they said that in an interview as well. They bring up issues that other Christian bands don't like to mention, such as pornography and lust.

I love their bluntness.. they tell it like it is.

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