Lyric discussion by Fixxxer169 

Like others have said, the real lyric was originally "Hit me" and if you change the lyrics the song makes more sense -

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now Hit me, babe. Can't you see that I am not afraid.

That line is pretty straight forward... He's telling her "go ahead hit me", perhaps he's done something wrong?

What was that promise that you made. Why won't you tell me what she said.

She promised this other woman that she wouldn't tell him what it is that he did wrong perhaps? maybe this other woman said he was unfaithful.

I'm gonna love you Till the heavens stop the rain. I'm gonna love you Till the stars fall from the sky For you and I.

Here he's doing what all guys have to do in this moment - profess your love for your woman and reassure her that you love her and would never screw around with someone else.

Just my take on it!

@Fixxxer169 Hit me could mean hit me with sex.

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