Lyric discussion by Killerofthechase 

At first listen, this is the song that is my instant favourite on Humbug.

In every verse, i think he is talking about different pubs. Battle Ship, Rusty Hook, Parrots Beak. Not sure why they are all to do with pirates or something but i'm sure there is a reason.

I think anyone can relate to this, it is about never quite getting over "her". We all compare our new girl with the old one, its normal. I think the way Alex Turner is saying, "Can i call you her name?" is just a poetic way of describing this. Every girl he comes across, is just not the same as the previous.

At the end I dont think he literally means her sister, i think this is another poetic way of saying someone who reminds him of her. A spitting image.

I am a bit confused about the 3rd verse about the smoke alarm and why she has a broken arm? Anyone got any ideas?

Well I think that he wants to refer to her personality when he talks about "broken arm", and that "she's messing with the smoke alarm":

Battle Ship, Rusty Hook, Parrots Beak they have to do with pirates because arctic monkeys love pirates and vikings, they put pirates and viking in a lot of their songs.

@Killerofthechase you are on to something, this comment and the one where she might have passed away seemed to stick out for me, you know in a way maybe the smoke alarm could be refering to his mind, as awareness of smoke as in bad air, or you know bad enviroment, so she could be playing with his smoke alarm aka mind? dunno there might be something there

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