Lyric discussion by daftpunk 

Cover art for Love Vigilantes lyrics by New Order

I remember when I first heard this song years ago. The words were so clear that I "got" the meaning straight away. Even so...I had to hear it a few more times before my brain could accept the ending.

Maximus nailed it. This poor soldier died in a war. He realised he was dead only after he saw his wife crying upon his return home.

I don't think New Order was referring to a war in particular. Soldiers die in all wars. Widows are made in all wars. Children become orphans in all wars.

In fact, the lyrics throughout the beginning and middle are deliberately generic - and downright cheesy. It's just a bunch of lofty statements and cliché. That is...until the end comes like a punch to the gut.

There are hints throughout the song at the soldier's death. There's just no way to see them until the awful truth is revealed.

After that, the song ends with a long instrumental. It's almost like New Order was giving the listener some time to process what happened. I sure needed that time for the "WTF" to wear off.

Finally...there's the title, "Love Vigilantes". I believe this is a salute to the many soldiers - and the families left behind - who continue their love even with the wall of Death between them.



Song Meaning

@daftpunk No, ti's a salute to Ian Curtis.

@daftpunk I think yoiu're absolutely right, but the lyrics that are "deliberately generic - and downright cheesy, just a bunch of lofty statements and cliché" are the lie he was fed to make him fight a war that he now knows doesn't mean anything to him.

@daftpunk "I just come come from the Land of the Sun". Japan calls itself the Land of the Rising Sun. Many British Troops died fighting The Japanese in Malaysia, Singapore and Burma. . It was very traumatic to the British psyche at the time. The ongoing atrocities by the Japanese is well documented during the forced labor of the Burmese Railroads...