Lyric discussion by sunshinedaydream 

Cover art for 3rd Planet lyrics by Modest Mouse

i haven't read all the comments for this song but i read quite a few and i was surprised that only one person mentioned anything about the songs clear referances to pregnancy and the loss of the baby (abortion?)I really am not that great at interpratating things, so i will just say the referances that seemed obvious to me. There is a couple who is either too poor or to young or just not ready to have a baby, but the woman gets pregnant. "I have this thing that i consider my only art/of fucking people over" he fucked over the woman, and now she either has to deal with an abortion or raising this child.

"baby cum angels fly around you/reminding us we USED TO BE THREE AND NOT JUST TWO" The baby that died is an angel,(cum angel because it wasnt yet born, the pregnancy was terminated early on so it was nearer to egg and cum then a baby...? not quite sure about the cum part). The baby cum angels remind them that they used to have a baby, together they used to be three before they got rid of their baby

"A THIRD HAD JUST BEEN MADE and we were swimming in the water/didnt know then was it a son was it a daughter" clearly states that A THIRD HAD JUST BEEN MADE and they didn't know yet if it was a son or a daughter, because you cannot tell early on in the pregnancy. They were not having sex in the waterrrrr jeez.

"and it occurred to me that the animals were swimming around in the water IN THE OCEANS OF OUR BODIES AND ANOTHER HAD BEEN FOUND ANOTHER OCEAN ON THE PLANET (given that our blood is just like the atlantic)" Is saying that OUR BODIES ARE OCEANS and ANOTHER OCEAN HAD BEEN FOUND the other ocean being the unborn child

Those were the referances I thought for sure implied the termination or loss of a pregnancy.

"The third planet is sure that theyre being watched/by an eye in the sky that cant be stopped" The eye in the sky is the mother or the father or whoever knows about the pregnancy and wants there to be an abortion. The baby has no power to stop the eye in the sky.

"and when you get to the promise land/your gonna shake that eyes hand" the promise land is referancing some sort of heaven (gah i know modest mouse isnt religious). The baby is going to have a face-to-face meeting with its parents in the promise land.

nooooooone is going to read this... haaha i feel like this is way to long alreadyyy gah.

So I see that you wrote this four years ago and will probably never see this response, but I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your post. It seemed to make a lot of sense to me and made me see the song differently. Sure beats the third gender theory that a friend tried explaining to me years haha. Thanke sia for your post.

Nice and old lead sparks up, I believe there must be something going round for people are suddenly raising such interest in songs about fatalism.

Sometimes I get disappointed when reading a song explanation, but this interpretation makes the song even better. I was surprised by this explanation as well and I thought it was spot on.

except for one thing.

Modest Mouse may not be so catholic but, couldn't it be that shaking the eye's hand is actually saying God's hand ,you know in that "promised land"... Catholic Churches all have an eye painted high up on the ceiling above...

Nice, but 2 things:

cum, in the sense it is used in this song is a conjunction "used in hyphenated phrases to link nouns that describe a person or thing with two jobs, uses, etc." So, basically, it means that the child reference is both a baby and an angel.

The abortion angle is something that occurred to me as well, but I don't find it to be a necessary interpretation. A child died, possibly before being born, but it's not clear how. It is clear that the person whose perspective the song provides feels guilt, sadness, anger, etc.