Lyric discussion by pklocek 

Sadly, I think this song is about getting stoned. I love Styx, I have since Paradise Theater came out in 1980. I think Tommy Shaw is using the "boat on the river" as metaphor for the feeling of serenity that he gets from being high. Generally, I don't like drug songs but we need to keep this song in the context of other Styx songs like "Lights" and "Snowblind".

No way, Jose. How did you get "stoned" from the lyrics? Ok, I read how you GOT it, but it makes no sense. I am seldom wrong on lyrical interpretation, but this time I am....there is NOTHING about being stoned in this song. It's about tranquility alone. Ever have a less than great day and go out alone on a row boat on in a cannoe and lie down in the middle of it while the sky darkened and the only other sounds were fish jumping and birds flying overhead. If you had, you'd understand this song......

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