Lyric discussion by RebelRouser 

you guys are idiots. The song is about a joyous revolution and destruction of our careless modern world. It has nothing to do with drinking or smoking. For instance the part "dancing the hora" is a Romanian and Israeli dance of celebration, and has NOTHING TO DO with drinking, growing up, or smoking. This song is about taking down the barriers of the world and it's careless and flawed manipulations of society. It is basically discussing a form of anarchy. The title also adds onto the curiousity of the song and makes it more into a drama, hence the dramatic disposition of the music. The title "Movie (Never Made)" is stating how this form of revolution will never happen, though many dream of it. Do some research before you dismantle such a powerful and meaningful song.

agreed. it's obvious what you said, yet people didn't see it that way...

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