Lyric discussion by Seryll 

I can't believe no one's commented this song yet! One of my favorite Who songs by far. Just fun to listen to relax to. I think it's about being paranoid when you're trying to sleep? Or just having a horrible night's sleep for a while then finally after a while finding the best rest of your life. Or maybe it's about how life's rough, all the way til the end when you're buried six feet under some flowers! Anyway, great song.

It is an awsome song. Its about living on the streets and having to fend for yourself a theme that seems to be common in Who songs. Its about finding a place to sleep when your on the street and all the problems that its possible to come across. Its about being tough. The narrator is saying that don't talk shit until you here my story of woe. I just don't understand the bear's in there line.

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