Lyric discussion by TAGSgirl 

So to me I picture an old man sitting in his apartment building. He's smoking Clove cigarettes and he's coughing and wheezing, alone. Slowly dying. He knows he's slowly killing himself. He can feel it in every breathe he takes, but he doesn't care... he is the widow. Now The person who is singing (Cedric) Is a younger guy. He lives in the apartment next to the widow. And every night he here's this old man, this widow. He can feel his pain in every cough that he can hear through the paper thin walls of the apartment complex. To the point where this old mans emptiness, loneliness, haunts him in the streets. For he too feels a sort of loneliness. Even though he never sleeps alone. Every night it's a new girl. Someone, just anyone so that he doesn't wind up exactly like the widow. But he is ashamed of this, so he hides. He hides from what he is terrified to become, yet is already there. This emptiness, and loneliness bonds these two polar opposite people together.

That's what this song means to me.

Wow... that is an interesting story! Doubtfully what the song was intended to be about, but sometimes one great story/song can inspire another. Great post, TAGSgirl!

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