Lyric discussion by troubadour13 

This is a great song. I think the "it's just an inch from me to you, depending on what map you use." is simply about physical distance in a relationship--its not so bad that they are seperated because they are still close emotionally. It goes with the rest of the verse: how problems look small from the perspective of above.

Its too bad she made this into a semi-country song. In earlier versions I heard this as a folk song that I like much better. There were lots of songs that she did on Perfectly Clear that were originally folk/pop songs that she just adapted to western style by adding a twang here and there like an extra decoration. Undernieth her style was still the same. Thats why it was such a pity--not only because I'm not a Country fan but because it didn't come off as authentic. Rather it was something neither here nor there.

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