Lyric discussion by Franky-san 

Amazing song, maybe the best one in Humbug. Well obviously the song is about a guy that can't get over a girl, and this dude keeps on looking for that girl's image in other girls. But Alex's poetic sense of story-telling makes this situation much more beautiful. The only thing I can't figure out is the song's end, that makes it look like it has a good ending for our fella', or perhaps somewhat sad, for the fact that calling a girl in another one's name, well that's just fictional love. And of course, the guy won't come to an overture. what do you think?

You seem like a wise Guy ....

Cornerstone .... the aftermath of "do me a favour" perhaps ... the same girl involved?

The girl is dead.

A believe it is a happy ending. The tone of the music picks up.

But the guy finds love in the girls sister, its sad in a way, but he does find new love and is still keeping the memory of the dead girl.

Thats just my 2cents

I think you are right Franky-San. It's about a boy who can't get over a girl, but I think she left. leaving him wondering around for her. He wants her, but she isn't there so he has to find another just like her and he gets the closest with her sister. That's just what I think. Only Alex truly knows. : )

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