Lyric discussion by FreeDesign002 

The people who say this song is about heaven, they're right in a way. A castle in the sky clearly seems a wonderful, magical, and ideal place. So more accurately, I'm sure it represents imagination and "goals". "Why do we build castle's in the sky?" appears equivalent to "Why do we idealize?", "why do many feel the grass greener on the other side of the fence?", and/or "why do people feel the future can ever be better than the present, when the present is habituated to be received in a certain way by each one of us?" This song is about happiness, about dreams, about goals, and it is basically questioning the reasons why any of us do what we do each day. Are we striving for something without knowing why? Or do we know and understand what we're doing and why? This song is a calling: Find out what life means to you. Then live that with no remorse. Religion is nonsense, an afterlife seem unimportant speaking that once we lose our brains we can't carry any memories with us (e.g. if we get into a car accident and damage our brains, it changes our world perception. In other words, our "soul" and the information it holds is dependent upon physical characteristics to exist.) All that we have is our lives and life itself is comnpletely unapologetic. What happens happens for better or worse and there's no reckoning, no reconciliation, no balance that will ever take place outside of what creatures and forces of nature themselves inflict upon one another. After that, the rest is silence. Enlightenment is to know and behave on knowledge of the real truth about life. And that is, everyone has an agenda so follow your own, maxims are basically useless because every delivered "truth" about life can be done or translated in an opposing way that will also be real world relevant, and the ability to discern the difference between reality and imagining, of which each is a part to the other, is of utmost importance. Taking time to sit alone and think things through will eventually show you to what you really want in your life and what it really means to you.

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