Lyric discussion by johnwilldo22 

OKAY, THIS MAY BE A LONG SHOT... but here's an alternative interpretation.. And I think it fits in pretty well.. Btw, this came to me when I was staring up at a tall roof one day while listening to the song and those two things suddenly made me think about suicide.. So then I thought what if this song was about suicide? But what reason would the singer have to want to take their lives... Then I thought:

What if this song was about ABORTION?

In my opinion, the male partner is singing to his wife/girlfriend after they just decided to get an abortion. Now the girl is depressed because she feels horrible about her decision and the guy is trying to remind her it was THEIR decision and it's time to move on now..

The first two stanzas open the scene where the guy is trying to tell the girl to get over it so he's going to "sing it one last time for [her]". He loves her and he wants their decision to abort their baby to not affect their relationship so he tries to console her by telling her he still loves her no matter what: "You've been the only thing that's right in all I've done.." This line can also be taken to mean that all she's ever been for him is "right" so their decision to abort the baby was right (in their case.. maybe they're young lovers).

By this interpretation, the chorus is simplified a bit: "Light up, light up" = cheer up (or crudely, get over it... I'll explain this at the end of the paragraph); "Even if you cannot hear my voice I'll be right beside you dear" = even if she is too numb at the moment to hear what he has to say or even if she doesn't want to believe anymore that their decision was the right thing to do (hence she CANNOT hear his voice), he will still be there at the end after she collects herself. The line "AS IF you have a choice" is the reminder that in the cruelest sense, they never really had a choice probably because their parents were a factor into the decision or simply because they couldn't raise a baby in their current state. Thus, "light up" = get over it.. It's not as if you had a choice anyway..

"We'll run for our lives" - forget about this problem.. let's run from it. "Why you can't raise your voice to say" - this might solidify the fact that she really didn't have a choice to keep the baby. So extreme, I know, but those are the lows that come with abortion.

The second refrain is what really did it for me: "to think I may not see [our baby's] eyes makes me really want to cry"..

And so I guess that's it.. The ONLY thing that weakens my case a bit comes at the end of the song when the guy says "we're bound to be afraid even if its just for a few days" ... REALLY? You just had an abortion but you're going to get over it in a few days? Some people never get over it... SOOO this does weaken my case a bit but only to the extent that it can be interpreted to mean that the guy is REALLLLY trying to console the girl, to the point where he's begging her to get over the whole thing as soon as possible. "a few days" could just refer to his optimism that the girl won't be so depressed anymore because it kills him to see like that... (AGAIN, this is an interpretation. I'm not claiming that Snow Patrol has had experience in abortion!)

Okay that's all.

Also, I've been thinking about making a music video to this song but I really need to find two good actors to portray the part! Please don't steal my idea! HAHA :)

// EDIT //

For anyone who cares, I forgot to include my analysis of this stanza:

"And I can barely look at you But every single time I do I know we'll make it anywhere Away from here"

The guy can't bare to look at the girl because she's drowning in her sorrows and is extremely depressed over their abortion*.. However, when he does look at the girl he's reminded of how much he loves her and how strong their relationship is (or was) outside the context of the abortion they just went through...

  • See my earlier post for the elaboration of this presumption..
  • An error occured.