Lyric discussion by MusicIsMySoulfire 

I heard this song for the first time 2 days ago. I know it by heart now. I love it...everything about it! The lyrics especially. The end of the chorus,

"I'm not angry I'm just saying, Sometimes goodbye is a second chance."

really gets to me. I see it from a...philosophical view I guess. To me it means that when you say goodbye to a person, or a part of yourself, that God gives you a second shot with the person, or a new person and you can correct your mistake. Put your life on a new track...after all, it's YOUR life, and only YOU can make the decisions of what to do with it. Who you want in your life, where you want to go and who you want to be.

"Please don't cry one tear for me I'm not afraid of what I have to say. This is my one and only voice"

I really love this part of the song as well. I see it to be saying that he's not afraid to show who he is or speak his opinion. He is who he is and he has accepted it. Now it's time for everyone else to accept him for who he is rather than what they want him to be.

This song is great! I love it ;D

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