Lyric discussion by dukepeter 

Cover art for Down To The Well lyrics by Pixies

definitely about sex between an experienced girl and a virgin guy. (kinda reminds of "i've been tired", eh?)

it seems to me the lyrics actually go "and if a LOVE's not long"... he sings "and if a love ain't long" on the BBC version. and this makes perfect sense with the sex interpretation. i might be wrong about the lyrics tho

Song Meaning

oh, and "the well" is a metophor for the girl's vagina... (i think, the association is obvious. or, isn't it?) thus, the meaning of "going down to the well" becomes clear.

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@dukepeter Yes its likely about sex, but no he says "And if a life's not long What matter does it make If there'll be favourite songs playing in my head" a life not lived. Never got a tattoo but if I did, I'd get that.