Lyric discussion by MusicIsMySoulfire 

This song is beyond amazing. Everything it stands for, everything it can be seen as. As far as I know, the story about Yellowcard's violinist being in one of the towers on the 11th of Septemeber and this song being a tribute to the firefighter who pulled him out is true. This song is so strong, so inspirational and gets me thinking (personally) about how valubale life is. And how we need to take every chance we get to "Make your sacrifice worthwhile" which can also be a reference to Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.

The talking part in this song, near the end, is part of a speech given on the one year anniversary of the 9/11 attack. This song is absolutely beautiful and I used it's lyrics to support a very good friend of mine who battled cancer last year. Even though she is no longer with us, I still listen to this song often to remind myself to Stay Strong and I always think of my friend when I hear it. I also think of the sacrifices mad eon the day of 9/11. I was 6 hours away from New York City and 9 years old. I wasn't extremely close to the city, and I didn't know anyone in the towers, but I know people who did. It was a horrible loss, and that day united America so much that a lot of other people began to see exactly what this song is talking about.

Yellowcard is an amazing band and this song, those who were lost on September 11th, 2001 will never be forgotten for their bravery, sacrifice or contribution to this world.

The first talking bit is part of Mayor Bloomberg's one year anniversary speech and the final part is a re-recording of part of the Gettysburg Address

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