first of all the thetapehiss's account of the lyrics is acurrate, (he forgot two words I think), I love this song and aesop period, have heard it a million times and trust me he is saying television is bullshit, but any and everyone is addicted to electronic stimulation more than any drug try going one day without and see how you feel, I'm an avid book reader and a scholar who hungers for relevant info about the universe more than garbage story lines, but try not getting electronic stimuli of some sort all day, I pride myself on willpower and find it near impossible.
first of all the thetapehiss's account of the lyrics is acurrate, (he forgot two words I think), I love this song and aesop period, have heard it a million times and trust me he is saying television is bullshit, but any and everyone is addicted to electronic stimulation more than any drug try going one day without and see how you feel, I'm an avid book reader and a scholar who hungers for relevant info about the universe more than garbage story lines, but try not getting electronic stimuli of some sort all day, I pride myself on willpower and find it near impossible.