Lyric discussion by NeoNataku 

"To my everlasting shame silence took me"

Tuomas feels deep regret at his remaining passive while Marcelo continued to feed off the band and Tarja. He believes that if he had spoken up sooner, the situation wouldn't have gotten so far out of hand and Tarja wouldn't have needed to be fired.

"Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Have her Kill her Feast on it all"

These lines paint an interesting picture. Marcelo both "seduces" and "tames" Tarja. One seduces a member of the same species, but tames an animal (a wild animal, no less). This passage paints Marcelo as a person who seduces wild animals. This imagery is solidified in a line that follows "Have her." Marcelo has gained the favor of the object, and now consummates the relationship. Finally, he is said to "kill her/ feast on it all." Here Marcelo is depicted as killing both a pet and a lover - an animal he won over and a woman who trusted him. Finally, he consumes them, adding a further level of disgust to the scene. It should also be noted that feasting upon this creature completely undermines everything already done. There's no need to tame an animal one is hunting, except for torture. There's no need to seduce a person one will murder, except to terrorize them. Marcelo is depicted as a complete abomination.

PS: I'm sick of comments like "Tuomas's attempt at black-metal lyrics." If you listen to artists, they rarely try to classify themselves so specifically. Yes, Nightwish calls itself metal. They don't really go any further. Metal is metal. FANS call something black metal, death metal, progressive metal, symphonic metal, power metal, etc. Artists, especially ones who expend as much effort as Nightwish does writing their music, just write whatever they think works best.

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