Lyric discussion by rEzKaWy 

This song is really the sexiest , It's about Letting loose on relationships [V.Much specifically sexual relationships] and losing control , even for once get rid of all the rulez and the ties [which I Personally disaggree to , we're not animals ,a re we ?] , the last 2 lines that seemed to be a problem for many poeple means that the author is All okay with all types of sex , if she cuts her partner to parts , there will be nothing that she can't use in the same time good , cuz she can use each part , she's okay with all fetishes and the like ... that's what it means in my opinion , but still it sounds savage to me , unless you're into satisfactory savage sex for lust thing ... not sex as expression of love to your partner or wife/husband...

Good music , Good mood , contraversial lyrics though its short...

Love Amy ! Love Evanescence !

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