Lyric discussion by rubennnnx 

Cover art for That's What You Get lyrics by Paramore

its about getting ahead of yourself. she was talking to someone she really liked and hoped liked her back. he obviously didn't have those feelings for her and she's crushed because she thought she had a chance. "all the possibilities, well I was wrong"

now she's just trying to get him out of her head, but she can't because she followed her heart and fell hard for him. 'that's what you get when you let your heart win' and letting her heart win is a habit of hers. "I still try holding onto silly things. I never learn"

so she has all these messed up feelings in her head but she's not gonna blame herself for not being with the guy she likes. she's gonna blame him. "I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore. its your turn."

she's telling herself to start using her head instead of following her emotions. "I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating"


f****ng perfect meaning.