Lyric discussion by nsteinme 

Man, what kind of arrogance is that from "elgard" who says this is a "pretty straightforward love song as far as meaning goes"!? If it's so straightforward, why not inform us what is the meaning of referencing everyone from Joan of Arc to George Bush in a love song, why all the bible references ("belly of a whale", "somebody calling in the dark"), what are "the ribs of the dark", what's the title of the song about, and what the hell's so special about her underwear?? I think this song is about as far from straightforward as you can get, but maybe elgard would like to inform me that I'm an idiot. I don't know if I'd even be 100% sure that this is even a love song, but ok I'll agree that seems most likely to me.

I really like the line about "Lose the page then the plot then the book I swear", which just brings a really great image into my mind of that scene. Great song, even if I can only wish I understood it a little more...

I don't know what the tittle is about, but he says the line "singing to the dogs or whoever" in the song Empty Hearts. Maybe there is a connection

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