Lyric discussion by olMUSICHnj 

From the lyrics above, it seems to me like he crossed paths with an ex girlfriend. She is trying to get him to remember the past, when they were together so maybe they can be together once more, but he remembers the pain; "twisted and arranged/deranged (deranged fits better). "Crying Lightning" might refer to a shock-and-awe strategy for the girl to get him back. After all this time apart, the first time they see each other after the break-up she just starts crying, which is a suprise to him. Its so sudden, like lightning.

However, the line "And how you like to aggravate the ice-cream and on rainy afternoons..." makes me think that this break-up wasn't too long ago. Despite the pain he suffered, he could still miss her. His sadness is the rainy afternoon, and he tries to cheer himself up with a soft-serve...soon to be interrupted.

I agree with "twisted and deranged" instead of "twisted and arranged"

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