Lyric discussion by bueller84 

Cover art for Sleep Better lyrics by Pete Yorn

I've always imagined the two people in this song being a married couple, not just boyfriend and girlfriend. It just seemed too heavy to be a boyfriend and a girlfriend. It's a rocky marriage, and I've always seen it as one where the couple isn't talking out their issues (most likely jealousy) so it has become really tense in the house. But they stay together, because "they won't feel better alone" and they're probably meant for each other.

They're "twice in every way, they lead a life you could forget.." so they live together, but lead different lives.

And still, they're aware of their bumpy marriage, and probably even wonder about straying from each other, and being unfaithful with the temptation (competition) they see around them, but they never go along with it. ("They took the time to reflect, even as the competition is breathing every day.")

To me, the wife probably wants to mend things ("calls him everyday"), but the husband is cold, rude and crappy at communication. So she tries to go with his flow and give out the same attitude, even though it breaks her heart ("Don't try, you'll never win. And you could never be him.")

Damn, this is an amazing song. Where does Pete Yorn get his inspiration?