Lyric discussion by glockyboots 

It's a pretty profound song with stellar instrumental and lyrics. It seems pretty straightforward what Ingrid is trying to convey. The song is suggesting "let's go to sleep with clearer heads and hearts too big to fit our beds", whilst following further with "and if you wait for someone else's hand, you'll'll fall.....". She finishes with "but brother how we must atone before we turn to stone". More explicitly, the song seems to have 2 interconnected themes; 'forgiveness' and one of 'love' in order to avoid 'turning to stone'. Thus, she warns that bitterness and hate can make cold the heart. In line with this interpretation,'waiting for someone else's hand' means waiting for someone to throw an olive branch or make the first move.

The alternative interpretation is a more vague interpretation focusing on love. Here, she may be suggesting that we should not wait for someone to ignite our love and fill our hearts, because we may 'turn to stone', 'fall' and 'turn to stone'.

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