Lyric discussion by MetallicIron 

wow, reading most of the negative comments coughSOADRULEScough, it makes me realize how stupid some people are in this world, Iron Maiden is an amazing band with many hit songs derived from poems, bibles, and even one derived from bruce dickinson's love of flying (Aces High), and in no way can any of their songs fall under the category of "satanism", or "satanic", true, the number of the beast, 666, was mentioned in the song many times, but SO WHAT??? that did come from the bible! the book of revelations! ch.13-18, that's where the little "poem" at the start of the song came from, and another thing, just cause SOADRULES might think SOAD is a better band than Iron Maiden, which in retrospect... ARE NOT!!!!, SOAD is another band i like, but i think SOME songs are just pure nonsesnse, but both System Of A Down and Steal This Album are great albums, my musical likes span from Nirvana to Metallica, from Judas Priest to Pear Jam, and so on and so forth... i like lot's of music styles, but only in rock, RAPS SUCKSSSSSS!!!!

apocalypse 666, why do you post rants of a band, on a page dedicated TO that band? all you're gonna get is hate mail by people who actually like that band, true this song does KICK ASS!!!! but so does the band, and by saying that the band sucks big cock, you are just feeling insecure about yourself, because you probably just got back from sucking a big one right now, huh?

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