Lyric discussion by ChickenChaser 

I think it's because there's some kind of gap that has been left in the singer's life. What I find really neat about this song is that it's the only song on this album that doesn't say the title of the song anywhere in the actual song. It just makes it all the more mysterious. The other thing is that there actually is a gap in the song. If you've listened to this song as many times as I have, you'll notice the gap in the song. I don't know if that was done with the intention to portray a gap or what but it is very effective. At that part, I get some very interesting imagery. It puts me in a sort of cave. You can hear the water dripping off the stalagmites or stalactites or whatever they are, and I can just imagine a burst of light coming into the cave. It cold be about breaking down barriers but I think it's a lot more than that. I think it could be about someone being very reclusive and then realizing he needs other people in his life. It's a sort of rescue, I guess. I don't really know. But this song really intrigues me and I've spent many a night contemplating its meaning.

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