Lyric discussion by Cynothoglys 

But I get the feeling that there's more to it, especially after listening to a demo of the song from around 1984 (it appeared as such on the magazine comp Abstract No. 5). The earlier version has a very different feel, similar in sound to the material on Body to Body, Job to Job, relatively fast (ie. mid-tempo to slow) and with much clearer lyrics. The lyrics are somewhat longer, including the lines "I need your strong arms", "hold me against the wall" and "I can't feel myself when you feel me". But the demo version's final line is quite clear: "I hide in your world". The implications of this, along with the other lyrics are pretty sinister: Namely, that of someone who has no will, who is totally dependent on their possibly abusive "lover", who desires only to be totally absorbed or destroyed by their companion.

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