Lyric discussion by Pablohoney912 

the character of the song is in the beginning of a new relationship (the first verse). She's getting carried away and thinks it might be something big. However, she's been damaged by too many bad relationships in the past ("broken hearts/forgettable false starts") and is wary of jumping into this one ("It's times like these I think too much/please don't think too much").

She tries to talk herself out of it, but she's hooked ("This all fits together but it's not what you think/Oh there I go again"). She sees something different in this person. It seems to her like they understand her ("but you're listening to every word I say and I'm trying not to give it all away").

In the end she decided to go out on a ledge, to take the risk. She trusts this person but fears he may give up on her or hurt her like many have in the past ("You can have 'em right now but you better not look away/this is me trying to be brave").

It's so common that we get caught up too quickly in relationships and open up only to have the door slammed in our face. I think this one might work...

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