Lyric discussion by doesnotcompute 

I think there is more to this song.

It seems to me that "Breakfast at Tiffany's" means something special to the guy, maybe the day they saw the movie was one of their happiest days in his memory. So when she says she wants to break up, he says "what about Breakfast at Tiffany's?", meaning "remember how happy we were?". But her answer (I think I remember the film) makes it very clear that for her it did not feel special at all, in fact this probably makes clear that she never felt about him the way he felt about her at all, and now she's just making up lame excuses to leave him ("the world has come between us", indeed). So in the last line of the refrain I think he's just struggling to say something, anything (even if it doesn't make a lot of sense) just to hide how much it hurts him to just have discovered this fact.

Of course, there are those who will say I am reading way too much into this...

very well...

@doesnotcompute I don't think you are reading too much into it at all. He is just grasping at straws while she is trying to make a break with him. She's done with the relationship; probably because he was as needy while they were together as he appears to be in the song.

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