Lyric discussion by PsychoSocialsk 

you have a stupid fucking brain to think this song is about "society" and to even use the word "society". That word is the fucking downfall of punk, when you have these faghat "new generation" punk bands pointing their finger at a word that can mean everything or nothing at the same time(society). Society is the most vague word used when someone lacks the intelligence to evaluate politics, vanity, life, etc correctly so they just categorize it all up into one group and call it "society". That stupid fucking word is why kids can't put faces on their problems to confront them so they think "hmm... maybe it's all society's fault. Kay, im gonna go shootup my school now." It reaches a new level of stupidity. AND I DONT APPRECIATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO USE THAT WORD TO DESCRIBE THE MEANING OF A SONG, even if they think they are wrong. They still shouldn't post, serves no purpose.

Enjoy the educational lesson I gave you idiots who think they are sooo deep and smart, like the fuckers who take acid to "open their mind" so they cann see "different worlds". People can see perfectly clear with their own two sober eyes, they dont need to introduce a mixture of chemicals into their brain in order to think.

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