Lyric discussion by ambriel 

The title is spelled differently to the only form of the word I could look up. Endogenesis is a development or growth from within. This is about someone trying to make a desperate bid for freedom and an act of defiance. What they are running from spurns them forward. Whatever this thing is I'm not sure, it could be religion, love, slavery. All we know is that it is an opressor. This opressor is being decieved as part of the process of freedom and they want the truth. I think it will be derived in a posibly cruel and humiliating fashion due to the mention of bits and pieces...maybe even torture. The opressor is also showing a more compassionate side. It tries to persuade the person that they are fooling themself. The person continues their effot to escape, but then opessor is too stong and once again they find themself in captivity.

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