Lyric discussion by 01229583w49343 

Essentially, I think this song is an attack on cliche anti-capitalist whining. It says "Damn right, I DO deserve what I have, because I earned it! You can sit there shaking your finger at me, but you're just as crooked as the next guy."


"Every word I said is what I mean Every word I said is what I mean Everything I gave is what I need"

-In other words, I sacrificed for what I have, I worked hard for it, and I did honest work.

"Virgin eyes and dirty looks On what I have and why I took Counting all the hands I shook"

-To the people who doubt me, who pretend to be innocent just to try to make me look bad, who try to discount my accomplishments and slander me for getting to where I am...

"Now I know why you've been shaking Now I know why you've been shaking"

-You've obviously got a dirty little secret...

"So bleed your heart out"

-A reference to "bleeding-heart liberals," perhaps, but more generally, people with crocodile tears who reject the basic truth that:

"There's no more rides for free"

-A major flaw in liberal ideology is the idea that there is such thing as a "free lunch," etc...

"Bleed your heart out I said what's in it for me"

-While you're over there being a sobby liberal, I have no problem being honest about the fact that I'm motivated by self-interest.

"Everything I've held is what I've freed Everything I've held is what I've freed Everything I've shown is what I feel"

-See first verse.

"Buying lies and stealing jokes And laughing every time I choke Biding all the time you took"

-You cheat and steal to get to where you are (while I do an honest day's work).

"Now I know why you've been taken Now I know why you've been taken"

-This line I'm actually not sure about. If I had a better idea of WHERE the person is taken, it would be easier...of course, it could just be that Chris Cornell ran out of ideas and needed a word that rhymed with "shaken."

Anyway, it's a great song, and very refreshing to see some rock music that goes against the cliche.

Your ignorance is appalling. This is not an attack on "liberals". If anything, Soundgarden themselves are liberals. This is about rejecting the way modern American society tells the younger generations on what is "right" and how they should live in society. Soundgarden says fuck you to that shit. Very liberal, and very non-conformist. You should take your ignorant labels somewhere else before you start throwing in your political opinions.

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