Lyric discussion by deliiroar 

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

someone explain something to me. this album seems to take a lot of stabs at Christianity and seems to be saying that Christians are hypocrites, but isn't Billie Joe a tad bit religious himself?

i dont think that christianity is ever directly "stabbed" at in the album, relgion in general is however, you might be getting confused because one of the main characters is called Christian and it pays to remember that religion and the church(and its equilivants in other religions) are very different things, i think this song and the album hit at the church but not religion

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ahhh ok. thanks.

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actually no, im not taking that now.. Billie Joe himself said that he wrote about the hypocrisy of Christianity and other religions. and I'm not getting confused becuase of the name Christian, i'm not stupid for fucks sake. religion and the church is hardly different, wtf..

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