Lyric discussion by tayarimoto 

You guys are getting stuck too deep in the whole "lonely stoner" thing. I think the "lonely stoner" is just an adjective for whoever this song is about (Cudi himself?). I really don't think this song has anything to do with drugs or drug use. I interpret this song to be about a person who thinks way too much. His thoughts only bring more pain because he is so lonely, depressed, feeling isolated. Everything the person wants seems out of reach. Any girl he is into doesn't feel the same way, which just drops him further into his pit of desperation.

I don't know how many of you reading this have ever been there, but for some people, who really think into things and analyze everything(I'm there and it sucks), their thoughts bring so much pain, and they are going through so much garbage in their lives at the moment that they cannot wait until they fall asleep, because it is the only relief they get from their minds.

Don't get caught up on drug references in songs. A small reference doesn't always mean that is what the entire song is about.

Anyway, this is probably my unfortunate anthem right now. I hope nobody else is going through anything like this, and from the lack of similar interpretations, although there are two or three, it doesn't seem that many people understand the depth of the song. Although this is just my opinion and I could be completely wrong. idk.

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