Lyric discussion by NAwlinsContrarian 

Cover art for The Childcatcher lyrics by Lush

I don't think it's about "about a father molesting his young daughter" or pedophilia ("Try to look sixteen all your life"--pedophilia refers to sexual attraction to pre-pubescents, and sixteen is at or above the age of sexual consent in many jurisdictions). I think instead it is about a man who dates a succession of much younger women because he can manipulate them, and they don't have enough life experience to see through he sh*% and stand up for themselves ("Once upon a time you never criticised me").

Also, is it maybe "Try to ACT sixteen all your life" instead of "Try to look sixteen all your life"? After all, the next line is "Old women grow bitter". not something like 'Old women get wrinkled'.

Song Meaning