Lyric discussion by dhgrossman92 

Cover art for 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) lyrics by Tool

I'm a 16 year old guy, and a huge fan of TOOL.

I just want to say that this song has the most powerful lyrics of any song by TOOL. Hell, it has the most powerful lyrics of any song by anyone. In all honesty, after reading the lyrics along with the music, I was crying. Like actually crying. Don't get me wrong, but I've never been religious. But religious or not, this song truly sums up life and death. This is a beautiful tribute to his mother that delves into the unknown deeper than anything ever before. Producing a poetic masterpiece like this is an achievement no one should ignore. The time, the effort, the emotion that goes into creating something like this: it all just adds up to song that is nothing short of monumental.

@dhgrossman92 wow, you must be 22 or 23 by now, has aging changed that view a bit over the years?

@Aragotton LOL i'd say my comment from 7 years ago is nothing short of dramatic

@dhgrossman92 i know you are much older than 16 now lmao, but i am currently 16 and i CANNOT stop listening to this song i completely agree with everything that you said lol. This is a beautifully written song.