Lyric discussion by StickityWicket 

Thats funny, cause this song just played on my shuffle on the way to work, and i pretty much just came here to mention how nasty this solo is.

Self righteousy metal/harcore lyrics.....they're everywhere. Satisfaction is the Death of Desire is filled with them...not saying thats bad or anything (well, it can get a little tiring) but it's not so shrouded in symbolism or metaphor. Get tight with your crew, protect each other. Those who've fallen off - well, forgive them - and fuck all this shit about what we're "supposed" to do or be.....cause that ain't metal.

You could probably make an argument for it being about the industry....recording wise. Record label values and goals. Sticking to you mates but not holding it against those who've compromised for money or fame. Thats a stretch though maybe.

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