Lyric discussion by yeahYEAHbabe 

you people are crazy! you all all commenting on ABORTIONS! seriously, as if you could.

it is totally up to the woman and it is NOONE else's business. having a baby is a very big thing, and it affects a whole lot of people, not just the mother. and it affects their whole lives! so if a 15 yr wants an abortion bc she doesnt know how she could possibly support a child at ehr age, and she wants a future. than i think its fair enough if she wants to abort it. i would much rather her live her life than something not even born.

ALTHOUGH! dont get me wrong. personally. i will NEVER have an abortion. i just wouldnt be able to do it. but i am not going to judge another bc she does.

it is totally a personal choice i dont understand how so many people can say its wrong and shouldnt be done. it is just none of their business!

and the reason i came here is to say, i think p.o.d are very brave for singing this song. although i do not agree with them publically telling people its murder. it still takes a lot of courage.

its ok to think what you think bout the matter, but you cant accuse it or use it against others who dont have the same beliefs as you.

meat is murder carnovors are meat eaters obnivours eat meat, vegetables and fruits cows eat grass

We dont' carry rocks in our wombs. Rocks dont have heartbeats and brain waves. Let's call a spade and spade and stop caving into selfish behavior when there are alternatives that protect ALL life.

only because you have the power doesn't mean that you have to do it, you can have a child and giving in adoption. I think nobody has the right to take your choice to live it be physical or intellectually so you should start with yourself.

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