Lyric discussion by drummer4844 

well i see no one has actually commented on anything but how messed up the lyrics are, but i was wondering if this song could be about like a freak out or bad trip or something. .

like the part:

"The radio is blastin' Someone's knocking at the door I'm lookin' at my girlfriend She's passed out on the floor"

and then:

"I seen so many things I ain't never seen before Don't know what it is I don't wanna see no more"

kinda sounding like hes had enough. . too many visuals. . and he just wants it to stop.

anyone else?

Born, 1951, grew up in the hippie movement. Whiskey in your water is a term used for an abuser of alcohol Sugar (coke) in your tea (brewed mary jane) Combination drug usages were common to find a new high. Drugs were not what hey are today. Parties like these were peaceful, full of friendliness, lots of free sex. No one abused anyone or unfortunately some one, possibly on a bad trip would break your back and toss you out a 3 story window. BS was not tolerated with the hippies. They were passive but if you crossed the wrong one, say on...

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