Lyric discussion by Theresa1 

Fantastic, Mr."Context." That will be quite fine. Here's the "MEASURE": By biblical standards, as per God Almighty, I'll be judged righteous. BY THOSE SAME BIBLICAL STANDARDS, persons unrepentantly staying with the very ANTI-SCRIPTURAL spiritual (demon-inspired, typical-of-antichrist "Christendom") LIES you here publically FIGHT God with WILL SOON DIE FOR (as in dead forever - killed by the God and Christ you PROFANE). EZEKIEL 3:17-21. You are certainly MISSING this BASIC principle of scriptural, Divine JUSTICE regarding the delivery of WARNINGS FROM GOD. What I have spoken were God's own already-made, scriptural JUDGMENT-WARNING MESSAGES. However, such messages - which are being, as prophesied, put out to the world by Christ's TRUE disciples/ Jehovah's TRUE worshipers (so very much in contrast to FALSE disciples/ FALSE worshipers) are being shown the HATE and disbargement that they (and speakers of them) were prophesied to receive by the bulk-mass of actually very UNSPIRITUAL (dishonest-hearted, animalistic, false-prided, etc.) persons. Your reaction is certainly not different from that - and is highly TYPICAL of that which I have received from FALSE "Christian" and other anti-scriptural, antichrist Bono-copying (and even worse?) U2 IDOLATERS over the past seven years.

There will be MUCH DEATH FROM GOD coming onto this world's IDOLATERS/ FALSE religionists very soon. I really do believe that their will be a substantial amount of them, killed dead forever by a rightly enraged God, among the MANY SELF-DESIRE-FIRST (no matter what God says), LIE-LOVING Bono/ U2 IDOLATERS.

And do notice - your Bono god isn't sounding that very urgent SCRIPTURAL WARNING AT ALL - neither do his groups of IDOLATERS PERMIT IT. No, no, no - evidently, all Bono wants is tho EXTORT people's spiritual drive to support his monetarty/ material "social justice" efforts. WAKE UP.

Worship God and obey HIM (and his Son) and put your trust in the future in THEIR Kingdom ~OR~ WORSHIP BONO and follow HIS COUNTER-GOD (and antichrist) ways to "change the world" via man - YOU CAN'T DO BOTH.

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