Lyric discussion by kiplingscat 

Cover art for The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate lyrics by mewithoutYou

it is: "a silver padparadscha ring". for sure. that is actually something that is used to make rings. unlike the other optoins that have been presented. it is is a color of saphires or something. whoo! that is a good deal the king is making, padparadshas are expensive.

also, i'm pretty sure "vanishing birds" is correct.

i agree with porterja. i think professor and the lieutenant both represent people with wrong veiws of God. (like the cat, peacock and girl in "a glass can only spill what it contains") any ideas of what type of person the lieutenant is representing?

i think in this song he is characterizing beetles as humans, to compare how little we understand of God to how little beetles understand of fire. The fire represents the mysteries of God?

"vanishing birds" just doesn't sound right

I listen and listen over and over again and it just sounds like it starts with an R.

Probably have to wait for the album to come out before anyone knows for sure.

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I think it may be "ravishing" that at least seems to fit a little better.

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Both the professor and lieutenant represent types of pride. He even implies that the lieutenant is conceited (for all the lieutenant's conceit, he too...). I think the lieutenant is the sort who seeks his own glory (all the isles will be mine!), where the professor is merely confuses knowledge with understanding.

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