Lyric discussion by XOZZFESTTTJUNKIEX 

Cover art for Nobody Home lyrics by Pink Floyd

Cmon guys, listen to the whole album, thats the whole point to a concept album!! Very quickly, by this point in the story/album, Pink (the main character of the album) is a burnt out rockstar. Hes lost his wife (shes been cheating on him and is in the UK, Pink is in the US at this point, he was touring with his band) and that is most of the focus of this song, HENCE NOBODY HOME!! Throughout the album, a few songs hint about Pink's heroin addiction, Comfortably Numb is completely about Pink's heroin overdose, most of the song is the Doctor/Paramedic trying to talk to Pink, then the chorus comes and it is Pink singing/talking. Now about the "Swollen Hands" that is mentioned in Nobody's Home, and Comfortably Numb. Really bad heroin addicts get swollen hands and feet, that is what Roger is trying to get across. I couldnt find the scientific reasoning behind the human body doing that, but ive heard it many many times, and found it on many websites that i trust.

If swollen hands is associated with heroin abuse then It's most probably a side effect of some of the reagents for any of the reactions used to maintain, transport or increase the volume of street-grade drugs.