Lyric discussion by ramalamadingdong 

does anyone else think that keith urbans Defying gravity CD has a very Teenage relationship theme around it, specially looking at this song and Sweet thing

I agree with that. But I still love it!

I know he's been interviewed as having said Defying Gravity was about being brave with love. So it does make sense that songs like this one and "Sweet Thing" and even "Til Summer Comes Around" relate back to more type teenage relationships-- being that they're likely to include a lot more firsts which...would arguably be more scary and warranting bravery. And on top of that, he does have a large teenage female following. So it doesn't surprise me that these songs would be geared towards that age bracket.

It really comes of childish which is sad, cause when you read the start it didn't have to come off that way. The first verse sets you up to think it's about moving on after getting your heart broken. Kind of sad that it turns into what it does.

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