Lyric discussion by Radical3 

I think that the point of the song is that the narrator's children kill him. His offspring "making windmills" means his children making a circle, completing a cycle, by killing him. Also, in the line "Dad, palindrome, dad", the "I" from earlier choruses becomes "dad," i.e. "I became a dad." Also, the word grandfather denotes generations. This is the big palindrome of it: you reap what you sow. The song is about essentially the same thing as BSG.

Another thing I just noticed: Egad a base tone denotes a bad age. I have never heard this line in the song, but it might mean something about a "base" of evil denotes, or leads to, an entire age of badness. That is, one act of evil results in ages of bloodshed. But that's just a thought.

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