Lyric discussion by StickityWicket 

I was recently introduced to Magnetic Fields and this was one of the first tunes that really hit me - almost immediately - particularly since the girl who introduced them to me is brutally honest. It makes me sad to think that some people (maybe even she) believes that people will never love her for her honesty. It's a wonderful quality, especially when it's "to a fault." Maybe the truth hurts, but lies hurt more once the truth is revealed, and you could have just skipped the middle man and the added hurt of being lied too.

I've also been accused of being too nice and for not having a "sense of indignation" (almost to the exact sentence....weird.) Maybe the person is question (the person who's gone) said this to her. Maybe she's saying it to the person. It's hard to say. I think we have to assume she's saying this to the person. But it seems odd to me, because usually people who are honest have a hard time also being considered "nice" - so that's kind of confusing.

xdvr seems to be onto something, but it don't know if it's as cut and dry as all that. It's the "you're not hear to make my sad songs more sincere line" that throws on this meaning. Maybe the other person hit the singer with some truth, and like mattzillaman says, she's now bitter and she's decided to attack their honesty.

Either way, sad stuff here. Love this song.

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