Lyric discussion by KnO 

This song recounts the events of series 3, episode 10 of the revived Doctor Who series. "Blink" is the title of the episode, which was written by Stephen Moffet.

(SPOILER ALERT) Sally Sparrow is the episode's protagonist. The first verse is a letter from her friend, who is sent back in time by aliens called "Weeping Angels" at the beginning of the episode. The Easter Egg mentioned in this song is a message from the Doctor hidden in Sparrow's DVD collection. This message explains that the Doctor and his companion are stuck in the year 1969, and Sparrow must send the TARDIS (the "funny blue box") to them before the Weeping Angels break into it and absorb the Heart of the Tardis. The sun going out is one of the possible consequences of this absorption. He explains that the Angels are impossibly fast, but they are "quantum locked", meaning that they turn to stone when seen. Sparrow is only safe as long as she doesn't blink.

I think that about covers it... God, I love filk.

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