Lyric discussion by Cabres 

Cover art for Zero lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I think she's saying "You're a Zero" not "Your Zero"

This song seems like one of the songs for the outcasts. Something for the people whom aren't socially "in". That's what I believe the reference to the ladder & climbing comes in at. Like climbing up the social ladder towards popularity. It could actually be that the song is more about how they(or at least Karen O) feel in regards to the whole hoopla surrounding them.

YYYs were never one to make political statements with their music, so I doubt that they have made this song with the intention to speak about the war & such.

I'm not normally one to bash others on the net, but people who use 'whom' tend to use it to express proper usage, thus I feel compelled to destroy you. In this case, 'people' is not the object of a verb nor is it the object of a preposition. It is rather the subject, being that "they" are the ones who aren't, which brings us to your next sentence; it ends in a preposition. Shame on you. Let's continue...

Next we have an incomplete sentence. Need I say more?

I guess the next one is OK since I'm...

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@jeffrehley u must be fun at parties